Health experts follow five tips: increase potassium intake, drink plenty of fluids, eat light and light meals, avoid fast food and restaurants on the go and stay out of the sun during the hot hours of the day (12 to 4 pm) Are considered to be the main factors in maintaining health in the summer heat.
Potassium-rich foods prevent heatstroke in the summer, so eating high-potassium foods, such as vegetables and fruits, can help keep you warm during the summer.

Traditionally, with the arrival of summer, paying attention to summer nutrition and receiving healthy food among families has been very important.
Excessive heat on summer days reduces the body’s energy and hydration, and it is essential that these deficiencies be quickly replaced in the human body system.
Potassium is a mineral that must be replenished at the same time as increased sweating on hot summer days. In other words, the body loses valuable minerals such as potassium, sodium and magnesium when sweating, so it is essential that these substances are quickly replenished in the body. To be.
Potassium is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables such as lettuce, celery, cucumber, spinach, apricots, melons, watermelon, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms and tomatoes.
Sodium and potassium are two very important elements for maintaining blood pressure and the function of the nervous, skeletal and heart health systems. Home-made natural juices also contain potassium.
Magnesium is also essential for the normal functioning of muscles and nerves, heart rate and bone strength, and its deficiency in the body causes anorexia, nausea, vomiting, depression and nervous disorders.
Magnesium is found in bananas, beans, lentils, barley and rice bran.
Suitable drinks this season should be known and consumed, drinking enough water eight to 10 glasses as a liquid of life is important as the first drink of the summer.

In addition to water, the use of other natural and traditional drinks and syrups should not be neglected by families. Each of them has healing properties and these days are suitable for health and prevention of heatstroke.
The industrial juices available in the market contain essential oils, preservatives and artificial sugars that are not suitable for health. Fruit juices and syrups that are prepared at home should be diluted and used with low sweetness. Avoid adding artificial sugar to fruit juices and natural syrups separately. Each glass of syrup to which artificial sugar is added has about 150 to 200 calories.
Avoid carbonated and caffeinated beverages because caffeine increases metabolism and body activity and increases the body’s need for fluids.
Consume light and small meals
In the summer, try to use light and small foods and foods, he said: the use of foods such as bread, cheese and vegetables and low-fat and low-salt soups in the summer and especially at night is very useful in health.
It is important for the body to eat a variety of foods, proteins and carbohydrates, but these foods should be eaten in smaller portions for lunch to make them easier to digest.

Prohibited use of fast food, consumption of food in restaurants along the way at a minimum
It has been observed that with the beginning of the summer season, families use a lot of fast food and restaurants along the way, which will cause illness and poisoning while traveling.
The use of prepared and canned foods will also cause gastrointestinal diseases and problems, and it is recommended that families eat simple home-cooked meals while traveling.
No traffic during hot hours of the day
The general public, especially children and the elderly, should avoid being in the sun during the hot hours of the day (12 to 4 pm) on the sidewalks, streets and public facilities.
Medical site and health magazine im healthiest