Unlike black tea, sour tea is a rich source of iron. And even people with high blood pressure and fat can substitute sour tea for this drink.

Since the taste of ordinary tea is bitter, we are accustomed to using a type of sweetener such as sugar, which of course is associated with problems such as high blood sugar and prevent the absorption of certain substances in the body.
Today, with the activity of industrial companies, various plants have been processed and different types of teas such as cinnamon tea, green tea and sour tea have been marketed, which can be a good alternative to black tea.
Red tea or sour tea has long been used as a refresher and cure for heart disease, red tea is very suitable for people who are looking for a diet drink.
Drinking sour tea lowers blood pressure, controls blood cholesterol, and relaxes.
One of the problems with consuming black tea is iron excretion, but by eating sour tea, not only is iron not excreted by the body, but this tea is a rich source of iron and people with sugar, high blood pressure, cold and even anemia can consume this drink. Replace regular tea.
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