Colds are one of the most common diseases in children and adults, especially in this season. The symptoms of the common cold vary as more than a hundred types of viruses can cause it.

Although adults may catch colds several times a year, children are at the highest risk of catching a cold.


Colds are one of the most common diseases in children and adults, especially in this season. The symptoms of the common cold vary as more than a hundred types of viruses can cause it. Although adults may catch colds several times a year, children are at the highest risk of catching a cold.

In this article, we are going to explain some natural and home remedies for colds, although these ways may not be able to cure your cold, but they will make you as comfortable as possible.

Drink plenty of fluids: water, juice, syrup, warm lemon juice are all good choices. They help replace the water you lost during a fever or sputum. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can cause dehydration, as well as smoking, which can make your condition worse.

Chicken soup: For centuries, parents have been giving their children chicken soup when they have a cold. Today, scientists also recommend chicken soup because it treats colds, immunizes the body and makes breathing easier.

Rest: If you have a fever, severe cough, or are drowsy after taking the medicine, stay home and rest. This not only gives you a chance to relax but also prevents you from infecting others. Use a mask when you live or work with someone who has a chronic illness or a weakened immune system.

Adjust your room temperature and humidity: Keep your room warm (balanced not annoying). If the room air is dry, use an air humidifier (if a humidifier is not available, you can put a kettle of water on the heater).


Rinse: Rolls of salt water can temporarily reduce itching and dry throat.

Use nasal drops: You can use nasal drops to relieve nasal capping. These drops are available in pharmacies and are safe for children or adults to use.

Vitamin C Consumption: Although vitamin C intake generally does not prevent colds, taking vitamin C at the onset of a cold reduces the duration of the common cold.

Sarkhargol: This herbal medicine is one of the medicines that can reduce the severity and duration of colds if taken early in the disease, although there is much discussion about this and scientists are still not convinced of its effectiveness, but if you do not have a specific problem with the body. Its consumption can not be harmful.

Zinc: Zinc is also one of the most talked about substances and its proponents believe that if it is received in the first 24 hours of the disease, it can be effective in treating colds.

However, the FDA has called the overuse of zinc pills dangerous because of the long-term or sometimes permanent effect they have on the sense of smell (anosmia).

Medical site and health magazine im healthiest

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