To prevent addiction, there are principles to help parents, teachers, community leaders, and the executive branch of addiction prevention programs.

Preservatives and risk factors are the first effective principle in preventing drug addiction.


Addiction prevention programs should increase protective factors and reduce risk factors. Risk of becoming a drug user includes association with a variety of risk factors (deviant attitudes and behaviors) and protectors (parental protection).

The first principle

The potential and specific effects of risk and protective factors change with age. For example, the presence of risk factors in the family has a devastating effect on the child, while drug addiction can be a risk factor for adolescents.

Early intervention in risk factors (lack of self-control and aggressive behaviors) is more effective than late intervention to change the course of a child’s life from problems and negative behaviors to the right path.

  It should be noted that the impact of risk and protective factors on people in society in different ages, cultures, genders, ethnicities and climates are different and different.

The second principle

Addiction prevention programs should introduce different forms of drug addiction and prescription drugs at different ages (even before reaching legal age).

The third principle

In addition to introducing different forms of drug addiction, risk prevention programs should also introduce protective factors.

The fourth principle

Addiction prevention programs should identify risk factors appropriate to the personality (age, gender, and ethnicity) of the participants in the community in order to achieve better results.

The fifth principle

Family-based addiction prevention programs should be able to enhance bonds, family relationships, and parenting skills (discussion, helping children become independent, and implementing anti-drug policies in the family).

Happy family

The closeness and intimacy of family members is the basis of the relationship between parents and children. Intimacy of family members can enhance parents’ educational skills in supporting and relating to their children

♦ Parental supervision is vital in preventing addiction. By providing scientific methods of monitoring and praising appropriate child behaviors that comply with family laws, the impact of the family role in preventing children’s addiction can be enhanced. .

The knowledge of parents and teachers about the types of drugs and methods of use should be improved so that they can prevent drug addiction by explaining the terrible consequences of drug use for students.

In summary, family-focused interventions have a positive effect on changing parental behavior and reduce the number of risk factors that lead to drug addiction.

Medical site and health magazine im healthiest

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