It is estimated that five to 10 percent of the population over the age of 60 are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease each year.
Alzheimer’s disease is a functional disease of the brain in which the volume of the brain decreases and has a negative effect on a person’s mental activity.

Today, September 21, is World Alzheimer’s Day and is a good opportunity to learn about the disease and its symptoms. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, such as forgetfulness in old age, are sometimes attributed to the aging process, but these symptoms should be taken into account.
If an older person has a healthy mind, he or she can live alone, and a quick diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease slows its progression.
Gradual forgetfulness is the hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. Of course, some forgetfulness may be due to stress, but in Alzheimer’s disease, these forgetfulness alters and disrupts a person’s work, education, and daily life.
In Alzheimer’s disease, short-term memory first develops problems such as mental retardation and forgetting about daily events, and then long-term memory gradually develops. In the advanced stages of the disease, psychiatric problems such as restlessness, delirium and hallucinations develop.
In later stages, the patient can not even do his daily chores and neglects to do things such as personal hygiene, dressing and bathing. Incontinence in the stool and urine is another complication of Alzheimer’s disease.
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