Breast cancer is a malignant growth of cancer cells in the breast tissue. In cancer, cells grow uncontrollably. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, but it is also found in men.

Types of breast cancer
Duct cancer: 85 to 90% of people with breast cancer have this type of cancer. In this type, cancer cells grow just inside the urethra. See a doctor right away if you feel a small lump in your breast or discharge from your nipple.
Lobular cancer: 8% of people with breast cancer have this type. Breast milk collects inside these lobules. Sometimes these lobules fill up, but it is not breast cancer. Stiff mass, swelling, changes in the appearance of the breast and nipple are all symptoms of this cancer. This cancer can be diagnosed through a breast biopsy (a sample of breast tissue).
Inflammatory breast cancer: This type of cancer occurs in the skin and causes redness and swelling of the breast and inflames the appearance of the breast. See a doctor right away if you have any of the following symptoms: The size of your breasts suddenly increase, your skin looks like orange peel, your skin is constantly itching, your breasts are hot and stiff, you have chest pain, your nipples Gone and there is swelling of the axillary lymph nodes.
Paget’s disease of the nipple: In this disease, which is usually present in one breast, the nipple becomes itchy, scaly, and red, and is easily confused with a boil. The red rash on the nipple may spread to the brown skin around the nipple, or it may cause an open sore on the nipple, or it may have eczema-like symptoms on the nipple.
Breast cancer symptoms
♦ Existence of bulge or thickening of the chest or armpits
♦ Changes in breast size or shape in an adult
♦ Pour a liquid from the nipple that is not milk
♦ Change the size and shape of the nipple
♦ Change in the color or texture of the nipple or areola around the nipple
♦ The skin of the breast may be sunken, wrinkled, or swollen.
If you have chest pain…
In the early stages of breast cancer, you may not have any pain or discomfort. With mammograms and regular breast exams, you can see the changes in your breasts. You can also examine your breasts every month and find out the changes.
Remember, many bumps and pimples are benign, non-cancerous, and heal well with proper treatment.
See your doctor if you notice any abnormal signs in your chest. Early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer increases a person’s chances of survival.
Prevent Breast Cancer
There is no safe way to prevent this cancer. But you can examine your breasts and learn how to prevent breast cancer.
Risk factors that you cannot control include gender, genes, race, age, menopausal status, medications and medical treatments, age at onset of menstruation, and family health history.
Breast cancer control
♦ Pregnancy and lactation: Pregnancy before the age of 30 and breastfeeding reduces the number of menstrual periods and is one of the causes of breast cancer. Estrogen kills 80% of breast cancers. Pregnancy and lactation reduce the amount of this hormone. ♦ Hormone therapy: The use of hormone therapy (for example for menopausal problems) causes heart problems and breast cancer, while hormone therapy is good for bone health and prevents colon cancer.
♦ Alcohol: Drinking alcohol may alter the levels of female hormones and cause breast cancer.
♦ Cigarettes: Cigarettes contain chemicals that cause cancer. These chemicals are absorbed by the body and affect a person’s current and future health.
♦ Diet: Cabbages contain sulfur compounds that fight cancer. Soybeans contain isoflavone genistein, which fights breast cancer. Onions and garlic, spices, berries and fruits, seeds and grains, fish, decaffeinated tea and coffee, water and juice are also anti-cancer foods.
♦ Exercise: Walk briskly 3 to 5 hours a week to protect yourself against breast cancer.
♦ Weight: Balance your weight with exercise and changing eating habits to protect against cancer.

Breast examination by the person himself
This test should be done every month by the person himself. Along with this examination, annual mammograms and medical tests should be performed. With this examination, you can see the changes of the past month in your chest.
♦ In this examination, you examine the breast tissue from under the nipple and the areola around the breast to the armpit. Take 15 minutes each month to examine your breasts.
The right time for a breast self-examination
♦ If you are not yet menopausal: Have this test a few days after your period. At this time, hormone levels are constant and the breasts are less sensitive.
♦ If you are menopausal: Set aside a specific day each month for this test.
Breast examination methods by the individual
Hands on the hip
♦ Stand with your hands on your hips and examine the appearance of both your breasts.
♦ Look at the size, shape and distance between the breasts.
♦ If you notice a change in skin color or breast texture, write it down.
♦ Look at the nipple and the aura around it and see if they look healthy.
Hands behind
♦ While standing in front of a mirror, raise your arms and place them behind your head to see if your breasts are moving upwards and note any changes.
♦ Look at the nipple and the area around it and see that there are no dimples, bulges or indentations in these areas.
♦ Look under your armpits and see that there is no swelling in the area that has the lymph node.
Standing and rubbing
♦ Raise your left hand and apply a little pressure on your left chest using your right fingers.
♦ Move your fingers from the top to the bottom of the chest as well as from the inside of the chest to the armpits.
♦ You can use circular motions.
♦ Note any changes in breast texture, color, or size.
♦ Then do the same on the right chest.
♦ It is better to do this examination under a shower, because the skin is wet and has the least resistance to finger friction.
Nipple examination
♦ Lower both hands.
♦ With the third finger and the index finger of the right hand, gently press the left nipple and pull the nipple forward. See if the nipple returns to its original position? And is fluid secreted from the nipple?
♦ Keep notes of what you learned from the process. Examine the right breast in the same way.
Lying down and rubbing
♦ Do this examination in your bedroom.
♦ Lie on the bed and place the pillow under your head and shoulders.
♦ Put your left hand behind your head.
♦ Rub the chest, armpits and armpits with the right hand (as standing and rubbing during the examination)
♦ Keep notes of any changes in texture, color, or size.
♦ Then examine the other breast.

♦ Choose a specific day in each month for this exam and never forget that day.
♦ Perform this test with calmness and normal breathing.
♦ Tell your doctor about any changes.
♦ Do not forget the annual medical examination and mammography.
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