Going down stairs can be a threat to people with osteoarthritis of the knee, osteoarthritis of the pelvis, lumbar disc herniation, or severe osteoporosis.
When it comes to climbing stairs, going down stairs can be a threat to people with osteoarthritis of the knee, osteoarthritis of the pelvis, lumbar disc herniation, or severe osteoporosis.
These people do not have a particular problem to climb the stairs, but they should be careful and move slowly by grabbing the railings next to the stairs so as not to irritate the joints.
Hafizi said that the greatest damage is when these people want to move down quickly, because the traffic in this way can cause heavy blows to the joints of the ankles, knees, hips and lumbar discs.
The physical therapist advised people with these problems to move slowly, one step at a time, down the stairs.
When the right foot is placed on a step, place the left foot next to the right foot and pause, and again to put the right foot down on the lower step and place the left foot next to it to reduce severe blows to the joints. .
The specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation considered it useful to use the railing to go down the stairs and added: by taking the railing, part of the body weight is transferred to the railing and the weight pressure on the joints is reduced.
People with osteoporosis, these people should be more careful when going down the stairs and be sure to use the railings to avoid imbalance and prevent falling.
Falling in these people increases the risk of bone fractures.
Medical site and health magazine im healthiest