It is said that if you include fresh celery in your daily diet, you will get rid of obesity and overweight. Some people believe that celery lowers blood urea and reduces swelling.
There are also groups that suffer from headaches by eating celery and do not consider consuming this vegetable useful. But are these statements true?

Slimming with celery is negligible
There are two types of celery, wild and cultivated. Its wild grows along stagnant waters and its cultivation is the same as that sold in the fruit and vegetable market these days.
Celery leaves have more micronutrients than the stem, and the darker the color, the more vitamins A and B, but do not underestimate the stem of the celery.
It has a fibrous stem that is woody and almost unabsorbable compared to other vegetables, and this is the factor that helps to lose weight.
But you should know that according to food experts, although celery is lower in calories than carrots, the permissible daily consumption of 100 to 150 grams, which is relatively 20 calories, can only reduce our calories by 20 calories.
You ask why and how? This amount of celery needs about 40 calories for digestion in the body. As a result, celery burns 20 calories and only 20 calories help us lose weight, which is insignificant compared to the 1500 to 2000 calories received per person per day.
In addition, it is necessary to know that celery juice does not contain fiber and although it can replace sugary juices in snacks, but it can not replace fruit and should be consumed with various fruits and vegetables, preferably raw.
Celery lowers blood urea
In traditional medicine, celery has a warm and dry nature and is a good booster of sexual powers and nerves and reduces stress and anxiety. Research has shown that celery can lower blood urea and uric acid levels, and its use is recommended for people with high blood uric acid and gout, pain and arthritis. In the United Kingdom, celery seeds are used in the preparation of more than 60 types of anti-inflammatory herbal medicines, which are of little use in our country.
Other proven properties of celery include helping to reduce fat and to some extent blood sugar, diuretic, detoxifying, antioxidant, antispasmodic and sedative.
Blood pressure Do not eat celery!
According to experts, vegetables such as celery, artichoke, rhubarb, spinach, beets and turnips are restricted for people with high blood pressure, especially those taking antihypertensive drugs. Although celery is high in potassium compared to other vegetables and reduces toxins and swelling by increasing urination, due to more sodium in blood pressure, it causes interstitial water retention, swelling and headache, and for those with kidney failure. And demo temperament, especially bile, is not recommended.
According to food science experts, tomatoes, cantaloupe, kiwi, banana, prunes, nectarines and pears are rich sources of potassium and are good blood pressure lowerers.
Medical site and health magazine im healthiest