A consumer protection organization in Germany has warned that moderate salads should be consumed in moderation and that pregnant women, children and the elderly should not consume these salads.

The Steftang Varnest Consumer Protection Agency reviewed 19 ready-to-eat salads, including two that it claimed were organic and prepared specifically for children. These salads were tested before their expiration date.
The interesting thing about these reviews is that none of the products are described as “very good” or “good”. 10 products were “satisfactory”, eight products were described as “qualified” and one organic product was described as “poor”.
In nine cases, the level of yeast and fungal mold was too high, which according to the researchers of this organization, such a level can be problematic for people with sensitive stomachs.
There was no trace of Salmonella in these samples, but yeast infection was very common.
Yeasts are a group of unicellular eukaryotes that are classified in the realm of fungi and ascomycetes.
Most salads either did not contain pesticides or the amount of these substances was barely visible. This is while one of the packaged samples had a high level of pesticide.
The research organization recommends that vegetables be washed carefully before consumption, which includes ready-made salads.
It is also recommended that packaged salads be consumed within a few days of the expiration date if purchased.
However, the researchers who conducted this study said that eating ready-made salads is better than not eating salads, but pregnant women, people with weak immune systems, children and the elderly are advised to eat ready-made salads completely. Avoid
Medical site and health magazine Imhealthiest